New year, new resolutions

Jan 6, 2017 | Business Centre, Professional Shredding, Storage Info

The Telegraph this week published an article highlighting what us Brits are hoping to achieve in 2017 with the help of our old favourites, New Year’s resolutions!

You may not be surprised to hear that topping the charts were classics such as losing weight, getting fit, taking up a new hobby, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol. Whilst these resolutions are undoubtedly worthwhile, many of us struggle to maintain our goals and allow our best intentions to wither away by the end of January.

The paper quoted Doctor Boynton, a mental health professional, who suggests using collages, cartooning, wish lists, a diary, a year-ahead schedule or map of where you are now and where you’d like to be in 12 months’ time to keep on track.

This got us thinking about what other common goals people might like to achieve in 2017 and how McCarthy’s might be able to 2017assist. So, whilst we can’t promise we can help you say no to that ever so tempting slice of cake, we hope that our handy guide will get your year off to a flying start.

Fit and fabulous – Create a personal gym inside your very own storage unit. Whilst many people might imagine that our units have only one use… (to store things!) we’re feeling a little more creative than that here at McCarthy’s. When your home is busting at the seams, our spaces are the perfect place to set up all of the exercise equipment you need to feel lean and strong. You could create your own private gym from only £6 per week. That way you can get straight onto the machine you want, put your headphones in to listen to some motivational music and get fit!

Business is booming – Many of us dream of being our own boss; working to our own schedule, doing things our way and really making an impact on people’s lives. If you do choose to set up your own business, or already have and feel ready to move from working in your own home our serviced offices could be perfect for you. We ensure that you can crack on with making your millions whilst we take care of maintaining the area and providing all the added extras you need such as free parking, a communal kitchen area, a professional receptionist, security, Wi-Fi and phone lines.

Clear it out – Does the idea of creating perfect harmony and masses of extra space appeal to you? Would you like to start the year off with a bang by getting rid of the clutter and mess that has filled your home for the past year? We’re sure your answer to those questions was yes and we’re on hand to make your dreams come true. Once you’ve collected everything up, just decide whether you feel you can tackle it yourself or if you need some help. If it’s the latter, why not take advantage of our Man and Van service? Our handy helpers will come to your home to help with the heavy lifting and will then transport your items to their final destination whether that be a charity shop, the tip, a loved one’s garage or one of our storage units.

Go green – As we speed further into a new world, many of us are more conscious than ever about looking after the environment we live in. At the same time security is often at the forefront of our minds and the need to look after our private information is ever more important. McCarthy’s Safe Shred combines the best of both worlds, recognising the importance of confidentiality and also the ecosystem. We guarantee the secure destruction of all of your confidential documents without contributing to growing landfill as all the shredded paper we collect is recycled into every day products such as toilet rolls and hand towels.

Fail to prepare and prepare to fail – We could probably all do with being slightly more organised and many of us will have made new year’s resolutions to do just that. Our archive service may be just the place to start with McCarthy’s Document Management providing various archive and document storage solutions. Take a look at our handy guide here.

Make the move – As a new year rolls in, many people may be considering making a home-move they’ve always dreamed of, or taking a leap in their career that they know is the right stepping stone. Our international movers service provides a trustworthy option for those looking to relocate. You won’t need to worry about customs, red tape or the peculiarities of overseas administration; we’ve seen and dealt with it all before. We are on hand to make sure your move is a piece of cake. Unless you’re on a new year health kick of course!


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